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Main Activities

ATZtech ltd is a private engineering company specializing in the development and manufacturing of advanced solution for VOC removal technologies. water ,waste water treatment and composite and thermoplastic products.
Environmental solution
Product and plant Design
  • Providing innovative technologies for VOC removal ,waste water treatment.
  • Globally Supporting companies and projects design for water and waste water.
  • Developing and Manufacturing  new product for water and waste water treatment.
      NEW-DAO -Double Action Oxidation system-Advanced Aeration System with Very low energy consumption
      NEW-UV and OZON reactors for AOP ​(Advanced oxidation process)
  • ​​Municipal and Industrial waste water solutions.

    • Bilogical treatment Using -​​MSBT (Multi System Biological Treatment) (No surplus of organic sludge) . MBR, Activated sludge , Fixed biomass,

    • Anaerobic reactors -For reducing High organic load.

    • Vertical Waste Water Treatment -Very  Low foot print   with low energy consumption and low maintenance cost.

    • Integrated multi stage Gravel reactor with high nitrogen removal capability.

    • Electro coagulation and metal remove systems.

    • Physical separation technologies

    • DSF -De Nitrification sand filters.

    • UF to RO Membran solution.

    • DAF systems.


River Water Treatment Project

ATZtech as vast experience in designing innovative products for verious fields. including production technologies:


 Thermoplastic manufacturing technologies. -(Product and mold design)

 Advanced composite material technology and design.

SMC molding product.

Lightweight Ballistic helmets.

Add on composite armor.

Composite Pressure vessels.

The Above expertise is essential to provide excellent engineering design backup during the product design stage. Enable to optimize a wide range of elements in the desire system.

ATZtech provide integrated solution base on the wide knowhow and experties of the engineering team.

Enovative and creative solution
VOC Bio filter 
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